Sous la loi, sous la grâce - Paul contredit il Yeshua (Jésus)? Part 2

Etude biblique sur des passages contreversés des l'apotre Paul tels:
Hébreux 7 :12 «Car, le sacerdoce étant changé, nécessairement aussi il y a un changement de loi». Romains 8: 5-8, Romains 6 :14-15, Colossiens 2 :16, Galates 4 :9-11, Galates 3 :9-11 etc
Sommes-nous sous la grace ou sous la loi?

Bible study on controversial Paul's bible verses on the "LAW". In this study we will be looking into verses such as: Hebrews 7:12 "For when there is a change in the priesthood, there is necessarily a change in the law as well" and other scriptures such as Romans 8:5-6; Romans 6:14-15; Colossians 2:16; Galates 4 :9-11; Galates 3 :9-11 etc"

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